Transparency and Condominium Brokerage

From the GLRL Board

With the recent release of our Strategic Plan and Projects Update, we appreciate the positive feedback and questions, along with those who volunteered to assist with some of our projects. Some of the suggestions we received will be incorporated into our Project Plans and reflected in our next major update. One good question focused on the Transparency of the GLRL Board. It was obvious that the term means different things to different people, so we created a one-page document to define “Transparency”. Please take a look and we welcome your feedback at

We are also pleased to announce that Gleniffer Lake Resort Ltd. is now a licensed Condominium Brokerage. This is a new requirement for any organization that delivers condominium management services. Tammy Campbell has worked closely with the Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) and obtained an interim license while she quickly completes her final license exams as the Condominium Manager. The organization continues to move forward on many exciting projects as we get ready for another great summer season. 

A new area has been added to the Resort Website called ‘Governance‘ under ‘Lot Owner Info’ for quick reference to these documents.

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