GLRL Board Membership Update

With the completion of the 2021 Condominium Corporation AGMs and following the GLRL Board of Directors meeting held October 27, 2021, we are pleased to announce the membership of the GLRL Board for the coming year.
Each Condominium Corporation is a proportionate shareholder in GLRL and is represented by one Director (voting) and one Condo Rep (non-voting).
The GLRL Director and Condo Rep from your Condominium Corporation (Phase) are suggested as your first point of contact should you have any questions, comments or suggestions you wish to share with the GLRL Board.
The GLRL Board provides advice and support to the managers of the Resort (Asset: Gerald Ennis; Administration: Tammy Campbell; and Business: TBD). By working together, management and staff along with volunteers on Condominium Corporation Boards, Associations, and Committees as well as residents we can ensure that Gleniffer Lake Resort & Country Club remains a safe, family friendly community and “our little piece of heaven, here on earth”.
Phase 1 Deryk Gillespie
Phase 2 Stu Keck (Vice-President)
Phase 3 Kim Caron (Treasurer)
Phase 4 Susan Brown
Phase 5 Sandy Jenkins. (Secretary)
Phase 6 Doug Silver
Phase 7 Craig Goodall (President)
Condo Reps:
Phase 1 Dallas Hutchinson
Phase 2 Bob Sinclair
Phase 3 Bonnie Seip
Phase 4 Cody Nudd
Phase 5 Susan Pitre
Phase 6 John Hudson
Phase 7 Rick Slack

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