Boil Water Advisory 2021-Sep-01

GLR Residents:

A boil water advisory is now in effect for the Gleniffer Lake Resort distribution system as a precautionary measure. Environmental Services is conducting water main flushing, testing, and sampling but residents are advised to follow boil water advisory procedures until sample results have been received (expected to be able to update by Friday). 

The following are boil water advisory recommendations for residents from AHS:

How to Use Water at Home During a Boil Water Advisory

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Drinking water and preparing food

How to make your water safe to drink

​​Cleaning and dishwashing

You can use tap water:

Sanitizing surfaces and dishes

Sanitize surfaces that come in contact with food (such as dishes. counters, and cutting boards) after cleaning with soap and rinsing.

To sanitize surfaces:

To sanitize dishes:

​​Taking care of your body

​​After the boil water advisory ends

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